Twitter has always been a great source for discovering trending topics. Today, we see #MySummerWishListIncludes as a recent trending hashtag. Why is it that something as simple as a summer wish list becomes the hottest topic on Twitter?

It seems that Twitter users have a soft spot when it comes to the opportunity for sharing exciting new ways to live life. Trending topics directly correlate with individual’s needs, wants and desires. Users also want confirmation from others, including people from  around the world, to agree with what they’re also passionate about.

When coming up with ways to make your hashtag go viral, ask yourself these 5 important questions.

  1. What will this title do for the people viewing it? Universalize your hashtag.
  2. How can this hashtag help my business? Will the hashtag reveal a perk for future consumers and clients by posting it to his or her own page, or will it just spread the word about your brand.
  3. How does the consumer benefit from using this #hashtag? People want to be rewarded for doing something good and recognized for participating.
  4. How can you apply this hashtag to Millennials? It’s no secret; the younger generation has a lot of influence when it comes to the power of social media. When you target younger generations, they offer your business a better chance of get the word out faster.
  5. Finally, remember to ask, “what can we back this hashtag up with?” The typical Millennial response to mostly anything is, “Pics or it didn’t happen!” Your company came up with the new and exciting trend? Post evidence with your hashtag that will attract the audience to seeing and believing it. Empty words never made a business flourish, and that statement stands true even today.

Step up you hashtag game! We know Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake definitely have…